Friday, December 02, 2011

Advent Calendar: Day One

Yesterday we did the first activity on our Advent Calendar: Set up the Nativity Scene.

Our Nativity Scene was a wedding gift from our friends, the Claders.  It was made in Mexico (a place where I went a few times with the Claders, and also where Jon and I spent our honeymoon), and depicts the characters in the Nativity Story from that perspective.  The shepherds carry sheep as well as chickens. Everyone's clothes are brightly colored.  And there is no white baby Jesus.  I love it--I think it brings a tiny bit of the world into our living room.

Last night we brought up from the basement the shoebox that it lives in 11 months out of the year.  Jon sat at the table with the box, and handed a figure, wrapped in newspaper, to Laurel.  She then ran to me, in the living room, to unwrap it and help it find its home on our bookshelf.  Back and forth she ran, excited to see what was hidden in each new little bundle of newspaper.  As we put them out, we started to name them: This is Mary, she is Jesus' mom.  This is a shepherd, he takes care of sheep (and chickens).

I was surprised how much Laurel liked this activity.  It was a good reminder that simple things, small things, can become significant things when done with intentionality and in relationship.

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