Thursday, May 31, 2007


I just returned home after spending time in Colorado and Boston.

In Colorado I was examined and approved for ordination. The ordination service will happen in August. About 7 years ago I was sitting in a coffee shop talking to one of my friends who had been through this process. I remember him telling me that the final step was this oral examination, where they could ask you anything about theology. I remember at that point thinking "I will never do that--it sounds way too hard." And yet, here I am, having come through it. And, to be honest, it really wasn't that bad. The written exams (which I took two years ago) were intense and required lots of study. But this part, though I was nervous, wasn't crazy hard, like I'd expected it to be. In fact, through the whole process, I felt like the people involved were very supportive of me and my call to ministry.

I have another memory of being in high school, sitting on a bench in the middle of a mall with my youth pastor, who had recently moved away to go to seminary. I remember him talking about how much he loved his classes and all that he was learning. He told me he thought I would really enjoy seminary. And I remember thinking that I would never go to seminary sounded too hard. But I did go to seminary. And yes, there were times when it was hard, but I loved it and have been changed by it.

So, I am this a theme in my life? In these two cases, I ended up doing the things that, when I first thought about them, I believed were too difficult for me. But are there other things that I don't try because I don't believe I can do them? I don't want to live that way--because to live that way means to live a mediocre life. And I want to live, to drink in the deep experiences that life offers. I want to face the challenges that seem too hard. And sometimes I will fail...but I think that's okay.

I was intending to write about our trip to Boston on this post, but maybe this is enough for now.