Saturday, June 11, 2011

Just Because

Here are a few random shots of the girls...just because I feel like posting them.

Brynna and Laurel in the same you think they look alike? (And do you know who is who?)
Brynna's hair gets crazy curly when it's wet...and then dries's a picture after a recent bath...
It was a warm day today, so Laurel put on her "timming toop" and played in the water. How could I not post a picture of this cuteness?


hootenannie said...

I have a friend who has 8 kids, and she says that when it comes to swimming suits, her girls graduate from a two-piece to a one-piece. As in, they can wear a two-piece when they're tiny, and circa age 4, they move to a one-piece. hahah.

I love Laurel. I love Brynna, too. Also, did I ever tell you that I get emails at work from a "Lawrel"?

That is just disgusting.

jane said...

you're must post this cuteness

Penny said...

Thanks for the cuteness fix. I think the top is Brynna and the second is Laurel....amazing they look so much alike. Mom

Penny said...

A two piece is easier for pottying.