Sunday, April 01, 2007

The lion of March

I am glad it's finally April.
April promises good things. The snow has finally melted here, and even though today felt as if the sky might still have a few flakes left to send, I think spring might just be on its way.

Holy Week has begun. A week that, like April, promises good things. But those good things don't come cheaply or easily. We only get to Resurrection Sunday by going through Good Friday. We only get to celebrate the empty tomb and the victory over death by first walking through the darkness of Holy Week. But Sunday's coming. And that gives me hope. A tired hope, a weary hope, but hope nonetheless.

March was chaotic and hectic for me. April won't be empty of resposibilities (the end of the academic year always brings a whirl of activity), but I am hopeful that it promises more moments of rest than I saw in March. So, here's to the end of March and the beginning of April! Here's to the hope of Resurrection Sunday, even during Holy Week.

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