Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Less than two weeks until departure

Welcome to our Honduras Blog. We hope to post some updates about our trip along the way. Chances are that we won't be able to add much when we are in the village, but we should have a chance to post when we get to Tegucilgalpa afterwards and when we are traveling at the end of May.

We leave in two weeks from yesterday for our month in Honduras. Our attentions are divided between finishing things here and preparing to go. In between regular work stuff and celebrating the end of Jon's comprehensive paper, we have started learning Spanish (we've learned enough to introduce ourselves--we have two weeks to learn the rest!) and make packing lists. Tonight we get to splurge on a Honduras Travel book and maybe some shorts from Sally Ann.

As of Sunday, Jon has raised all of the money he needs for the trip! Some of the money came from very surprising places, reminding us again that God's ways are not our ways.

Until later,
Jon and Julianne


Dane said...

As the first person to comment on your blog, I feel a strong desire to say something meaningful, witty or at least "important." Instead I will leave you with a standing ovation regarding your decision to have a blog, opposed to long, rambling travel emails. You known the ones...we've all received them. I'll look forward to your posts.

Susan Parsons said...

Hey you 2!
Happy almost anniversary - and bon voyage! I'm jealous of your adventure. But some of us need to stay home and care for mother in laws in the nursing home and decide what they are going to do about a brain tumor. Whahh-Whahh!
Seriously - have a wonderful time, and change some lives - maybe your own.