It's hard to believe that Laurel is five weeks old. At the same time, it's hard to believe that we have only known her for five weeks. One thing I've noticed in my journey with Laurel so far is that having a baby slows you down. It changes the pace, creates a different rhythm. The to-do list becomes less important, while sitting and watching her discover the mobile above her head becomes a high priority. The quiet moments of the 3 am feed are more precious than the sleep I'm giving up. A walk through the neighborhood reveals new observations as I walk not to get somewhere, but simply to enjoy my time with her. I discovered a wading pool not far from our house that I'd never known existed. And I've interacted with more people on the street than I had before, simply because of Laurel. I like this pace. I like that I don't have to rush to accomplish something--I simply have to be present and love those around me. Thanks, Laurel, for giving me this gift of slow.